Wednesday, April 27, 2005

what if i die tomorrow...

5 days after trip, still tired all the time.
i have a very important exam tomorrow from 9:00 to 14:45.
after that, there comes all the final exams next week...
according to the latest information, there will be 4.
and i got the recieve (how to say this in english? in french we say relevé) from my bank.
another tragedy.
this afternoon i went to the hospital, took off all my cloths,and made a radio of my lung.
my smoked lung.
by the way i wear a TOM TAILER shirt today.
on my way to hospital, a very stupid chinese student told me that he had got a scolarship for next year.
it's the best scolarship, ever.
1200 euros/month.
i, did not even bother to apply cos i thought it was so impossible.
as you can imagine, i spend all my night watching 24.
now i have a very good american accent... unfortunately, of english.
so, here's my point.
i have ruined my whole life.
thank you.

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